Texting with … Johanna Sinisalo …
published in
With Johanna Sinisalo the ERB’s Sander Pleij texts about Finnish Weird…
The underbelly of Krochmalna Street
published in
Why aren’t Isaac Bashevis Singer’s gangster novels published in English?
No longer at home
published in
A review of Hangman: A Novel by Maya Binyam. «Returning home rests … as the thematic cornerstone of African and African-diasporic literature.»
Something rotten
published in
On the sanatoriums of Olga Tokarczuk’s The Empusium and Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain.
The business of men
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On pregnancy’s bloody histories & its visceral fictions. A review of Trudy Dehue’s brilliant history of pregnancy research, « Egg, Fetus, Baby ».
Neanderthal aesthetics
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Rachel Kushner’s Creation Lake, reviewed. «If we discovered a Neanderthal novel, would we be worthy of it?»
The Barren Nothing-Place
published in
On growing up in the creases of bilingual versions of T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land
Needle & pen
published in
Jane Austen valued fashion as an intrinsic part of one’s character — whether in her own life or in a novel.
The Mothers Grimm
published in
What ties Gretel to her witch? Louise Glück’s poem Gretel in Darkness provides answers.