Texting with … Kamil Ahsan
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With Kamil Ahsan the ERB’s Sander Pleij texted about editing a editing international yet regional magazines…
No longer at home
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A review of Hangman: A Novel by Maya Binyam. «Returning home rests … as the thematic cornerstone of African and African-diasporic literature.»
Sick men of Europe
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King Leopold & Sultan Abdülhamid — a tale of two monarchs. «I’ve come to see them as twins of a kind: monarchs in bourgeois garb.»
« Tham dii day dii » – Thai farmworkers in Israel
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Modern Zionism’s founding ideology, in which diaspora Jews would be redeemed by working the soil, has long ceded to neoliberalism’s imperatives
The Three Body Solution
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The Chinese Communist Party embraces the sci-fi hit The Three Body Problem.
The business of men
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On pregnancy’s bloody histories & its visceral fictions. A review of Trudy Dehue’s brilliant history of pregnancy research, « Egg, Fetus, Baby ».
Independence and/or Death
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Brazilian artist Jaime Lauriano recreated the iconic painting Independence or Death (1822). A scorched earth remains in his own Independence and Death (2022).
Moscow on the Med
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Two winters in Istanbul. If you are a holder of a Russian passport, there are few places in the Western hemisphere that you can go without a visa.
Jesus in the pines
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Refugees and border guards in the Białowieża Forest. Scenes of violence play out behind a thick cover of trees, in a remote corner of Poland.
The big beige books
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The most important unreviewed books of our times, reviewed. On Xi Jinping’s The Governance of China, Volumes I to IV
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On Arnold, action cinema & Übermenschlichkeit. « Arnold Schwarzenegger was action cinema’s Adamic man, alternately entering and exiting normal human time. »